Summer Schools & Training Courses

To further the education of young scientists in marine-related sciences and to train a new generation to participate in ocean drilling expeditions in the future, numerous summer schools are offered every year. Scholarships are available to allow outstanding young scientists to attend the ECORD summer schools.
ECORD training courses are designed for early career and established scientists from academia and industry from all over the world.
Want to know what it’s like to attend a summer school? Click here to read about the experiences of some recent summer school students.
Petrophysics Summer School
30 June – 2 July 2018; Leicester, UK
Petrophysics is the study of the physical (and chemical) properties of rocks and their interactions with fluids, and integrates downhole in situ data from logs with core and seismic data. This has significant applications in the hydrocarbon industry in terms of both exploration for, and production of, oil and gas. It is also an important component of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) in helping to answer the many and varied questions posed by scientific ocean research drilling expeditions around the world.
The main research focus proposed here is downhole logging where in situ continuous measurements are made in the borehole, these are supplemented by continuous and discrete core physical properties data, thus enabling integration of datasets to maximise their potential use in addressing scientific problems. This summer school not only focuses on the interpretation of these data types acquired during IODP expeditions, but also the rationale behind those measurements, the methodologies associated with their acquisition, and their application beyond IODP, in an industry context.
Deadline for registration: 23 March 2018
Course fee: £180
For more information please visit the website.
15th Urbino Summer School in Palaeoclimatology (USSP)
11 – 27 July 2018; University of Urbino, Italy
The 15th summer school of the USSP consortium will focus on past climate dynamics with special emphasis on the analysis of the long-term carbon cycling and its implications in the understanding of present and future climates. USSP 2018 will integrate lectures, symposia, fieldtrips, and exercises on the many different areas of paleoclimatology including biogeochemical cycling, paleoceanography, continental systems, and all aspects of deep-time climate modeling. These techniques and systems will be explored through interactive discussions of Cretaceous OAEs, P/E hyperthermals, the Greenhouse-Icehouse transition, Neogene and Quaternary climate dynamics.
The goal of USSP is to provide participants with an advanced working knowledge on the paleobiological and geochemical proxy data and their use in reconstructing and modeling of past climates.
USSP2018 will be lead by ~25 leading senior scientists from around the world and we will be able to accommodate ~60 students (end-MSc or early career Graduate and post- Graduate) based on their submitted CVs.
Deadline for early registration: 15 April 2018
Registration fee (early registration): Students – 700 €, Academic/industrial staff – 1100 €
For more information please visit the website.
Sub-seafloor Fluid Transport and Gas Hydrate Dynamics
3 -14 September 2018; University of Bremen, Germany
Seawater circulates through systems of faults, fractures, and other permeable conduits in the crust and redistributes heat and solutes by advection. Due to this process, seawater alters the host rocks, influences the chemical composition of the oceans and forms mineral deposits. Furthermore, water carried by sediments and rocks of the crust into subduction zones affects the strength of the rocks, lubricates the seismically active zones, and influences the magmatic processes of the arc volcanoes. Fluids seeping through sediments in various continental margin settings transport hydrocarbons and concentrate them at migration barriers forming natural reservoirs, often as gas hydrates that are seen as one of the largest reservoirs of organic carbon on Earth.
Deadline for application: 4 May 2018
Registration fee: Students – 150 €
For more information please visit the website.
ECORD Training Course 2018: The Virtual Drillship Experience
23-27 April 2018; Bremen, Germany
This one-week course will introduce participants to life as a shipboard scientist, shipboard scientific methods, and work flow during a simulated drilling cruise. Focus will be on the practical aspects applied on the drilling vessels of the IODP program: the Joides Resolution, the Chikyu, and the Mission Specific Platforms (MSP; offshore or Onshore Science Party in Bremen).
More information in the flyer or on the MARUM website.
ECORD Training Course on Continental Scientific Drilling
5-10 November 2017; Caernarfon, UK or Windischeschenbach, Germany
This training course will touch upon all relevant aspects of continental scientific drilling, including project planning and management, pre-site surveys, drilling engineering, sample handling and storage, on-site studies, downhole logging, data management, and post-drilling measures. The training course is recommended for PhD students, post-docs and scientists involved in scientific drilling.
Deadline for applications: 18 August 2017
More information in the flyer or on the ICDP website.
Send applications to ICDP.
ECORD Training Course 2017: The Virtual Drillship Experience
6-10 March 2017; Bremen, Germany
This one-week course offers a basic training focusing on the IODP core flow procedures, preparing the participants for sailing in an offshore drillship expedition, and instilling them with an appreciation for high standards in all kinds of coring projects.
More information in the flyer or on the MARUM website.
Petrophysics Summer School
2-7 July 2017; Leicester, UK
Petrophysics is the study of the physical (and chemical) properties of rocks and their interactions with fluids, and integrates downhole in situ data from logs with core and seismic data. This has significant applications in the hydrocarbon industry in terms of both exploration for, and production of, oil and gas. It is also an important component of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) in helping to answer the many and varied questions posed by scientific ocean research drilling expeditions around the world.
The main research focus proposed here is downhole logging where in situ continuous measurements are made in the borehole, these are supplemented by continuous and discrete core physical properties data, thus enabling integration of datasets to maximise their potential use in addressing scientific problems. This summer school not only focuses on the interpretation of these data types acquired during IODP expeditions, but also the rationale behind those measurements, the methodologies associated with their acquisition, and their application beyond IODP, in an industry context.
Deadline for registration: 18 March 2017
Course fee: £150
For more information please visit the website.
Urbino Summer School in Palaeoclimatology (USSP): Past Global Change Reconstruction and Modelling Techniques
12-28 July 2017; University of Urbino, Italy
The 14th summer school of the USSP consortium will focus on past climate dynamics with special emphasis on the analysis of the long-term carbon cycling and its implications in the understanding of present and future climates. USSP 2017 will integrate lectures, symposia, fieldtrips, and exercises on the many different areas of paleoclimatology including biogeochemical cycling, paleoceanography, continental systems, and all aspects of deep-time climate modeling. These techniques and systems will be explored through interactive discussions of Cretaceous OAEs, P/E hyperthermals, the Greenhouse-Icehouse transition, Neogene and Quaternary climate dynamics.
The goal of USSP is to provide participants with an advanced working knowledge on the paleobiological and geochemical proxy data and their use in reconstructing and modeling of past climates.
USSP2017 will be lead by ~25 leading senior scientists from around the world and we will be able to accommodate ~60 students (end-MSc or early career Graduate and post- Graduate) based on their submitted CVs.
Deadline for early registration: 15 April 2017
Registration fee (early registration): Students – 700 €, Academic/industrial staff – 1100 €
For more information please see the flyer or visit the website.
Current-Controlled Sea Floor Archives: Coral Mounds and Contourites
21 August-1 September 2017; University of Bremen, Germany
The striking commonality between contourite drifts and cold-water coral mounds is their dependence on a dynamic bottom current regime as well as on sediment supply to generate impressive sedimentary archives. By having the capacity to form such distinct positive sea floor structures, both systems are characterized by enhanced sediment deposition. Consequently, these sedimentary features can serve as paleo-archives with clearly enhanced temporal resolution of the resulting paleo-records.
The major goal is to bring PhD students and young Postdocs in touch with IODP at an early stage of their career, inform them about the exciting research within IODP, and to prepare them for future participation in IODP expeditions. Such training will be achieved by taking the summer school participants on a “virtual ship” where they get familiarized with a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art analytical technologies and core description and scanning methods according to the high standards of IODP expeditions.
Deadline for application: 5 May 2017
Registration fee: Students – 150 €
For more information please see the flyer or visit the website.